Mother and calf fin whale pair

Hello everyone, we have spent the past few days with a mother and calf fin whale pair that have completely stolen our hearts.  This is the same calf we saw on Sunday, September 7th off the Wolves in it’s own.  This calf has some of the most beautiful...

What an incredible offshore trip!

Good evening everyone, I promised a separate post on our Annual North Atlantic right whale trip so here it is…. Well, first, we did not see any right whales.  There had been a few reported in the area on Thursday but the weather we were dealt on Sunday...

A great way to start off September!

Good evening everyone, the first week in September has been wonderful with consistent fin whale and minke sightings on every departure.  We also had our Annual North Atlantic right whale trip on Sunday, September 7th but I will cover that in a separate post. I...

How is it already September 1st??

Good afternoon everyone, I thought I would do a little post to tell you about our last 2 weeks on the water.  I am sorry that my posts have not been as frequent this season, I am finding that I get a lot more response from facebook, so I do post all of our daily...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊