First minke whale of the season!

Hello everyone, I got some great news from Jolinne yesterday….they were out on a chartered tour and they spotted the first minke whale of the season inshore. Below is a picture that Jolinne took yesterday (this is Jolinne’s 3rd season with Quoddy Link, she...

And the naming had begun

Hey everyone :)I hope that you have all had a great winter and that spring and sprung in your hometown. I wanted to share with you all that the Gulf of Maine Humpback Naming is well under way and Round 1 is now over and I have had the privilege to name 5 whales during...

Spoon is a mom!!

Hey everyone, just wanted to share some great news….Spoon, a large female humpback first sighted in 1979 has been seen with a calf off the coast of Massachusetts. We spent time with Spoon on October 5th and 6th of the 2009 season.Thanks for checking in, the...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊