Some photos to share

Hello everyone, I just wanted to do a quick post and share some phots from a few days ago.  On July 28th we had an amazing encouter with a very large basking shark and on the same trip we also got to see bald eagles fish for mackerel and I wanted to share some...

Special morning with finback whales

Hello everyone, I just wanted to share this video with you that I took yesterday morning.  It was SO calm, the Bay felt like a pond and we went offshore and spent some time with 8 fin whales off Whale Cove, Grand Manan.  It was a trip to remember. We have...

Amazing Finback Sightings on both trips

Hello everyone, I am sorry that it has been so long since I have posted.  It has been a frustrating few weeks with weather (fog and wind) and whales.  We have been seeing minke whales on most trips, confined to the Islands due to weather but there have been...

Whale sightings from the past few days

Hello Everyone, I hope you are all well and I am sorry for the lack of posts the past few days but I wanted to share some pictures of everything we have been seeing. This is a photo from July 5th on our evening cruise of the mother and calf fin whale pair who have...

2 Trips with Finbacks

Hello everyone, what a great day we had….beautiful weather, great whales and fantastic passengers….we really can’t ask for anything more. Today on both our 10am and 2pm trips we made our way off Blacks Harbour and spent time with finback whales (4 in...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊