Hello Everyone, I hope you are all well and I am sorry for the lack of posts the past few days but I wanted to share some pictures of everything we have been seeing.
This is a photo from July 5th on our evening cruise of the mother and calf fin whale pair who have been in the area.  You can see the white, lower right jaw of the calf as the little one surfaces….and mom is in behind.

On July 6th we saw Slice, a minke whale who is missing most of it’s dorsal fin for the first time this season!

On July 8th I had the day off but Matt, Jolinne and Nick had a very special trip with a minke whale who decided to breach over 30 times!  Below are a few shots that Nick wanted to share.

This is a minke whale we sighted off Campobello Island on July 9th on our 2pm departure.  Every minke whale had a uniquely shaped dorsal fin like this one, note the small notches out of the trailing edge.

Here are 2 pictures I took this morning (July 10) of the mom and calf fin whale pair.  The top photo you can see the pair travelling together and the bottom photo is mom’s terminal dive.

I also wanted to share some seal photos from our 10am trip today.

Thanks so much for checking in….and don’t forget to join our facebook page for even more updates and interesting links,


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊