Minke whales and some October fog

Good morning everyone, We had 2 wonderful trips out yesterday into the West Isles of the Bay of Fundy.  On our morning departure we spent time with 3 minke whales (one got quite curious of the boat and came up very close and went right underneath us and we could...

Still whales to be seen!

Hello everyone, sorry it’s been a few days since my last post.  We are still seeing whales and here is a quick update about the last little bit. On October the 12th we had 2 departures and we did see both minke and finbacks on both trips. Yesterday we had...

Feeding whales and porpoise all day

Good evening everyone! It was so great to get back on the water today after three days on shore.  We had 2 trips today with so much life in and around Head Harbour Passage in was amazing.  This morning we had 2 fin whales and three minkes and this afternoon...

Sunny Sunday with Finbacks

Hello everyone, we had 2 charters today with some international students and both trips were great as we spent time with fins and minkes in and around Head Harbour Passage. minke Watching a fin whale approach the boat from the upper deck of the Quoddy Link...

Lunge Feeding Finners!!

Good evening everyone, the past 2 days have been amazing on the water, filled with lots of feeding whales close to Campobello Island. Yesterday afternoon we saw 5 finbacks and a few minkes, we saw lots of feeding right at the surface from both species….amazing...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊