Finbacks…fog….and basking sharks!

Good evening everyone! The past week we have had everything from calm seas and clear skies to thick, thick fog and strong SW winds.  We have been seeing the same finback whale in our inshore area and there is still very little activity in offshore area off the...

North Atlantic right whale trip!!

Hello everyone, I just wanted to share with you that the date is set for our annual North Atlantic right whale trip! This trip will take us out into the open Bay of Fundy, approximately 30-35 nm from St. Andrews and into areas which our out of reach of our regular...

Fin and minkes….and an ocean sunfish!

Hello everyone, I just wanted to share a really great sighting we had this morning while offshore at South Wolf….an ocean sunfish or Mola mola! We had spent time with a minke whale and then a fin whale but with too much traffic around the finner we decided to...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊