Hello everyone, I just wanted to share with you that the date is set for our annual North Atlantic right whale trip!

This trip will take us out into the open Bay of Fundy, approximately 30-35 nm from St. Andrews and into areas which our out of reach of our regular whale watch trips.  We will be searching for the endangered North Atlantic right whale, considered to be one of the most endangered large whales in the world.  Currently the New England Aquarium right whale research team is seeing lots of right whales in the open Bay (you can follow their research HERE) but if the right whales move on before our trip we would still be able to head out into the area and search for humpbacks (everyones favourite), large groups of finbacks, dolphins and other offshore sealife.  We will be in contact with the right whale research team and our friends at Whales n Sails off Grand Manan to see where they have been sighting whales.

And just some more information about the trip….

This trip is very weather dependent.  We will be watching the weather closely in the days before and our captain will make the decision on if the trip is a go the evening before.  PLEASE call the office to check the weather and when you make a reservation please leave a phone number with us so we can contact you.

Due to the length of the trip and the long transit time out to where right whales feed there are no children under the age of 10 allowed on this trip.  Sorry if this disappoints anyone.

Dress warmly!!  Pack a bag with extra layers, even a toque and mittens would be a good idea

Please arrive at the office at least 30 minutes before the departure, so by 7am and if you need to cancel please let us know 48 hours in advance (this is a popular trip and we typically have a waiting list)

There is no food to purchase on the boat (we will serve complimentary hot chocolate and cookies) but you are welcome to bring anything you would like (no alcohol please).  The only place open in St. Andrews for you to stop at before the trip will be Tim Hortons on your way into town so please give yourself some extra time if you want to do a Timmy’s run!

That’s about everything you need to know, spot fill up quickly and space is limited so if you want to join us call 1-877-688-2600 to make a reservation!


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊