Good evening everyone!

The past week we have had everything from calm seas and clear skies to thick, thick fog and strong SW winds.  We have been seeing the same finback whale in our inshore area and there is still very little activity in offshore area off the Wolves.

Here are some photos of the finback whale we have been spending time with

On August 12th we did see a second finback whale off the Wolves but the highlight of that day was the number of basking sharks we encountered….three on our morning departure and one incredibly close sighting in the afternoon.  The photo of the dorsal fin of the basking shark has been submitted to the Shark Identification Network on Grand Manan and will added or matched to their catalogue.  I will let you know if they are able to make a match.

The fin whale we encountered off South Wolf 

Basking shark off the Wolves 

Basking shark doesal fin submitted to the Shark Identification Network 

Basking shark under the water 

Thanks for checking in, don’t forget to call and make a reservation (1-877-688-2600) if you are interested in our North Atlantic right whale trip on September 7th or our pelagic birding cruise on September 27th!


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊