Good evening everyone, the past 2 days have been amazing on the water, filled with lots of feeding whales close to Campobello Island.
Yesterday afternoon we saw 5 finbacks and a few minkes, we saw lots of feeding right at the surface from both species….amazing to see!
Today was exceptional, we had so much feeding all around the boat, and not just from the finbacks, although the lunge feeding did steal the show. There were also minke whales, lots of porpoise and LOTS of very large blue fin tuna all feeding close by too.
Check out this series of photos I got of a lunge feeding finback, you can see the asymmetrical colouring of the lower jaw and the ventral pleats all extended, and in a few photos you can even see the eye!!
I also got this video, 2 finners feeding just under the surface and then a close approach to the Quoddy Link.
Thanks so much to everyone who joined us today,