Good morning everyone, Danielle here with an early update on our Annual North Atlantic right whale trip.  When we booked the trip over a month ago there were lots of right whales that were being sighted in the Bay of Fundy towards the Grand Manan Basin but as of the past 2 weeks there have been very few sighted, although there were 7 individuals reported last Thursday.  So the plan remains the same;

– The trip is entirely weather dependent!  Please call the office at 1-877-688-2600 the day before to check on the weather.

– IF the weather is appropriate we will make our way out past Grand Manan even if there are no right whales being sighted and search for other species, including humpbacks that are being reported daily from our friends at Whales n Sails and Sea Watch Tours.

– I will be keeping in touch with the NEAq right whale research team as well as the whale watch companies off Grand Manan so we are aware of what is being seen.

– If right whales are the only reason you are joining us, and there are not any right whales being sighted and you do not wish to join us to search for humpbacks and other species we may sight off Grand Manan please remember our 48 hour cancellation policy for this special trip.

If you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to contact me through facebook or call the office at 1-877-688-2600.


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊