Hello everyone, we have spent the past few days with a mother and calf fin whale pair that have completely stolen our hearts.  This is the same calf we saw on Sunday, September 7th off the Wolves in it’s own.  This calf has some of the most beautiful markings that I have ever seen on a fin whale.  We have also had some other fin whales feeding the area although they are moving around quite a bit and effort has to be made to locate them (we don’t mind searching at all, which is why we tell you our trips average about 3 hours but sometimes may be a bit longer due the patience that is needed for wildlife)

Here are some photos of the finbacks from the past few days

Fin whale

Fin whale mom and calf pair 

Left hand side of the calf fin whale 

Fin whale mom and calf pair 

Fin whale mom and calf paur 

Fin whale calf approaching the boat 

Passenger watching a fin whale from the lower deck of the Quoddy Link 

FInback whale 

Fin whale mom and calf pair 

Fin whale 

Fin whale calf approaching the boat 

I also got a short video clip of the mom and calf pair.

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And I never shared this video with you guys from August 22 of a Mola mola!

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Thanks so much for checking in today!  We are still running 2 trips a day with a special 20% discount off our morning departures in celebration of our 20th Anniversary!  Come experience the Bay of Fundy catamaran style.


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊