Thursday August 6, 2020

Thursday August 6, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Thursday August 6, 2020   10am: This morning we mixed things up a bit and headed out through Letite passage between Deer Island and Greens Point. We saw harbour porpoises and stopped with seals on Black Ledge. We poked around the mainland shoreline...
A foggy Monday – Monday July 27, 2020

A foggy Monday – Monday July 27, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Monday July 27, 2020 10am: It was a very foggy morning but we found 2 minke whales and had really good looks. We went out past East Quoddy Head Light to listen for some larger whales and we heard a fin whale a couple times but couldn’t quite catch up...
Saturday July 25, 2020

Saturday July 25, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Saturday July 25, 2020 10am: This morning we started with grey and harbour seals on Black Ledge. It was low tide so we got great looks at all the seals hanging out on the ledges. We also picked up 4 minke whales throughout our trip, including local...

Monday July 6, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Monday July 6, 2020 10am: Today’s morning trip started with some seals on Black Ledge and then we headed to Whitehorse to have a look at the nesting birds and found some kittiwakes sitting on their nests. We then picked up two minke whales off East...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊