Monday July 27, 2020

10am: It was a very foggy morning but we found 2 minke whales and had really good looks. We went out past East Quoddy Head Light to listen for some larger whales and we heard a fin whale a couple times but couldn’t quite catch up with it. We did have some great looks at porpoise while we searched and listened for the fin whale.

1:30pm: We headed out past Whitehorse Island where we found a fin whale and had fantastic looks as it circled some fish. We were able to catch a glimpse at his white lower jaw a couple times as it made some passes by the boat. At Whitehorse Island we watched the food chain in action as a bald eagle flew off with a gull chick, all part of the circle of life as eagles have their own chicks to feed. Then it was time to head back to St. Andrews.

5pm: This evening we headed out into fog again. We stopped a few times and listened for whales, you can hear their exhales. We found a minke whale, Slice! Slice is a local favourite whale. We stopped with the Head Harbour Lighthouse, saw harbour porpoise and bald eagles. We saw another couple minke whales off in the distance. And we stopped at Black Ledge with harbour and grey seals on the way back to St Andrews.

an adult gull on Whitehorse Island after a successful catch of a gull (note the white feathers in the algae)

whale watching from the upper deck of the Quoddy Link

Slice, a minke whale

Head Harbour Light at the northern end of Campobello Island

porpoise in Head Harbour Passage

THANK YOU to Claire and Rika for the updates,
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊