Sightings & Updates


Good evening everyone.  We had a very special morning today on the Bay of Fundy.  Our passengers and our crew had the privilege of spending part of their morning with a critically endangered north Atlantic right whale!  We were watching finbacks off...

Beautiful and Powerful Fin Whales

Good evening everyone, what another great day.  We spent both trips toady with multiple finbacks and got some amazing looks on both departures. These photos are from the morning trip Fin whale raising part of it's fluke Birds continue to be amazing... Northern...

Great fall day on the bay

Good evening everyone, we had a great mid-September day on the water today.  This morning we started in Head Harbour Passage with a minke whale and then we a call from a friend we headed down to Blacks Harbour where we found atleast 4, maybe 5 large finbacks. I...

More fog, wind and lots of minkes

Good evening all, just wanted to share a bunch of photos from todays trips in the Islands (fog and wind again). We spent lots of time on both trips with many minke whales in Head Harbour Passage Very young minke whale we saw off the entrance to Head Harbour...

Minkes and SW winds

Good evening everyone.  We had 2 great inshore trips today, we had to stay relatively protected due to the strong SW winds and the offshore fog.  We did see many minke whales on both trips as well as bald eagles, porpoise and seals. Here are some minke whale...

Minkes and Fins all day

Hello everyone, what a wonderful day we had today.... Our 10am trip was FLAT CALM and such a beautiful way to start the day.  We started off Head Harbour Light with ~5 minke whales and then made our way east.  On the way to Beaver Harbour we stopped with a...

Minkes and another Mola mola!

Hello everyone, we spent time with multiple minke whales today, including Slice, and a fin whale (the same finback) on both departures today.  Of course we spent some time with seals, these are from our 10am trip We also saw another Mola mola on our 2pm...

Lots of Minkes today…

Good evening everyone...we had 2 trips today and they were filled with some wonderful people. We spent our morning in the Islands with a few minke whales and lots of birds all feeding on herring and krill.  We did take a run towards the Grand Manan Channel...

Fin, minke and…..herring gull!

We had one trip this morning (we had to cancel our right whale trip due to the weather forecast).  We made our way into the Islands and found a few minke whales.  As we were watching the minke whales a young herring gull landed on the foredeck of the Quoddy...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊