Thursday September 10, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Thursday September 10, 2020   10am: Trip cancelled due to weather   2pm: This afternoon we headed out, stopping with harbour and grey seals at Black Ledge. We quickly picked up 2 minke whales and got great looks at both. The fish were jumping at the...

Wednesday September 9, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Wednesday September 9, 2020 10am: Cancelled due to weather/fog 2pm: This afternoon we headed out expecting some fog but the fog had rolled back and we had pretty great visibility. We stopped with seals on Black Ledge then headed out offshore. We got...
Tuesday September 8, 2020

Tuesday September 8, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Tuesday September 8, 2020   10am: This morning was foggy but we spent most of our trip offshore with Chevron, a humpback, who was quite active and breached for over 30 minutes. Humpbacks breach, and they do breach a lot but it’s so special to...
Monday September 7, 2020

Monday September 7, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Monday September 7, 2020 10am: It was foggy this morning so, after a stop with harbour and grey seals at Black Ledge, we headed offshore hoping the fog was less thick out there. It was! We found a humpback, Chevron out there! We also saw harbour...
Sunday September 6, 2020

Sunday September 6, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Sunday September 6, 2020   10am: This morning we stopped with harbour and grey seals on the way offshore. We found a finback whale and Chevron, a humpback whale about 18 miles from St. Andrews. We got great looks at each, along with some harbour...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊