Sunday September 13, 2020
10am: This morning we took Western Passage over to Head Harbour. We quickly picked up a minke whale and harbour porpoise. Then we spent some time with a very “sleepy” humpback. The humpback fluked up once and we were able to confirm that it was Chevron! We spent a bit more time with a minke whale after the boat traffic increased. We stopped with harbour and grey seals and saw two bald eagles on the way back to St Andrews.
1:30pm: The trip this afternoon was similar to the morning, spending time with Chevron, a humpback and trying to avoid the majority of the boat traffic on a Sunday afternoon. We also saw a minke whale, porpoise and seals before we had to make our way home to St. Andrews.
5pm: This evening we went out and found Chevron again. “She” tail lobbed several times, each one getting less and less powerful. Then “she” seemed to go back to her restful state. We saw lots of feeding and active harbour porpoise, a few bald eagles, and lots of bonepart and herring gulls. So beautiful. What a wonderful last evening on the water 😍💕🐳

watching a humpback from the upper deck of the Quoddy Link – image by Rika

Chevron, a humpback – image by Rika

Head Harbour Light, AKA East Quoddy Head Light at the northern end of Campobello Island, NB – image by Rika

humpback, Chevron, lobtailing – image by Rika

humpback, Chevron, lobtailing – image by Rika

humpback, Chevron, lobtailing – image by Rika

Thank You to Rika for the updates, check back soon for more reports,
Cheers, Danielle
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊