Monday August 31, 2020

Monday August 31, 2020

Well, I have NO idea how it’s the last day in August!  Fall is in the air SIGHTINGS UPDATE Monday August 31, 2020 10am: This morning we started out by going through big Letite passage as the Deer Island Ferry had mentioned seeing a minke ten minutes earlier. We...

Sunday August 30, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Sunday August 30, 2020 10am: This morning we took a large circuit around to check for whales then headed into the islands where we picked up 4 minke whales. We also had a few seals and harbour porpoise. Captain Mat pointed out a few bald eagles that...
Saturday August 29, 2020

Saturday August 29, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Saturday August 29, 2020 10am: This morning’s trip started out with a look at some harbour seals at Blacks Ledge. Then we took a run offshore to search around the Wolves to see if we were missing anything further out, you never know if you don’t...

Friday August 28, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Friday August 28, 2020 10am: This morning we had a finback, seals, and an eagle. We also got to see a great Blue Heron! We got lots of great looks at the finback whale before we went to try and find a humpback. We were unsuccessful in that search but...
Thursday August 27, 2020

Thursday August 27, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Thursday August 27, 2020 10am: Good morning! Our blustery morning started with harbour and gray seals at Blacks Ledge. From there, we picked up a fin whale off of White Island and patiently followed it to Head Harbour Light, where we got some great...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊