Sightings & Updates

Some offshore fog but 3 great trips

It's Danielle, senior naturalist and photographer with Quoddy Link Marine. We had a very nice day on the water. On our morning and afternoon trips we had offshore fog and in the afternoon we also had strong SW winds against and ebb tide creating a choppy sea. We had 3...

Back from a few days away…

Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of posts over the past few days, I was on vacation. Today was a great day on the water. On our 10:00 am trip we had a minke and a finback right in Head Harbour Passage. On the 2:00 pm trip the same finback had made its way to the...

Another amazing day with humpbacks

Another day with good visibility and amazing whales. Our morning trip took us out into the open Bay of Fundy, west of the Wolves Bank. With the help of our scout boat we were able to spend some more time with Hobo, a humpback we had seen yesterday. And again today, at...

Humpbacks!! Meet Hobo and Parachute

Hello, it's Danielle again, senior naturalist and photographer with Quoddy Link Marine. What a day! Again, no fog, light winds and unlimited visibility. On our morning trip we had the pleasure of watching a very active humpback. "He" was breaching, partial and full as...

Unlimited visibility and finback whales!

NO FOG!!! The first day in many weeks with NO FOG. We had unlimited visibility and could see the Wolves and Grand Manan. With light northerly winds and a bright sun we had 3 great trips on the water. The morning trip we had 4 individual finbacks, 3 coming together at...

Finbacks and LESS fog

Hello there, it's Danielle from Quoddy Link Marine. We had a great day today, finally a day with less fog and we got to see finback whales, and not too far from Bliss Island, only about 10 miles from St. Andrews. I have sent my photos to Allied Whale in Bar Harbour so...

And the offshore fog continues

Hi there, it's Danielle, senior naturalist and photographer with Quoddy Linke Marine. Well, the fog still looms offshore but we had 2 days of great inshore trips with atleast 4 different minke whales. Here you can see 2 individual minkes, notice the difference in the...

Fog and southwest winds…

We had a day of fog in the morning and strong southwest winds in the afternoon but it was warm and calm in Head Harbour Passage. We spent a nice amount of time with minke whales on both trips. On our afternoon trip we had a great eagle sighting, with a few adults and...

Minkes on the 23rd, finbacks today!

We were fogged into the Islands on the 23rd of July but we had 2 very nice trips with minke whales in Head Harbour Passage.Here are some grey seals hauled out on some reefs that have been exposed by the ebbing tide. At Casco Bay Island we often see grey seals as well...

Finback, minkes and FOG!

We headed out this morning and afternoon despite the fog and we had 2 great trips. Our scout boat had gone out before both trips to "scout" and search for whales. We spent a good part of each trip with a finback whale we have become very familiar with over the past...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊