Sightings & Updates

A reminder of how much I love my job!

Hello everyone, well, I have the day off today so I thought I would tell you all about our wonderful day on the Bay yesterday.... Let's start with the morning trip....the finbacks were amazing, and they brought me to tears (and if you know me that doesn't usually take...

A beautiful day on the Bay of Fundy

Hello everyone, we had a wonderful day on the Bay today.  We spent time on both trips with 4-5 finback whales off Blacks Harbout.  We also saw lots of porpoise today (helped that the Bay of Fundy looked and felt like a pond today) as well as everyone's...

Lots of Finbacks

Hello everyone, we had 2 trips today and we spent time with finbacks on both. Our 10am trip took us off Blacks Harbour where we saw 8-10 fin whales all charging around and feeding on herring (we could see many scales in the water).  We also took a run offshore to...

Fog free and fin whales

Good evening everyone, we had a great today, on all 3 departures we were fog free and spent time with finbacks as they were spread out all day from east of Blacks Harbour all the way to Whitehorse. Thanks to everyone who joined us today! Cheers, Danielle

Fin whales, humpbacks and minkes….Oh My

Hello everyone, yesterday was a such a great day on the Bay, even with some fog to deal with in the evening. Our morning trip took us a few miles off Bliss where we watched at least 6 large finback whales, and we even had the chance to see 3 large fins travelling side...

I still LOVE my job!

It's late and I will post more tomorrow....but I just wanted to share my facebook update...we had a great day! What a GREAT day. This morning we had some AMAZING views of finbacks and there were at least 8 in the area, 3 were travelling side by side. I heard the...

Fog, fog….GO AWAY….please!

Good evening everyone.  We are still covered in fog in our part of the Bay of Fundy but we did see whales on all 3 of our departures today.  On our morning trip (with the help of John on our Scout Boat) with did spend time with finbacks in some thick fog....

Fog…but an amazing trip!

Hello everyone, sorry I haven't been here in a few days.  We have been spending most of our time in the Island due to the fog and watching minke whales, most of the time we spend time with Slice.  This afternoon we had a very special encounter with...

No Fog and Finbacks

Good evening everyone, today we had no fog and fin whales on all 3 departures.  I think I will let the pictures speak for whale a great day it was. Fin whale approaching the boat We saw this young male harbour seal on Whitehorse....I think he got bored...check...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊