Today was FIN-tastic with lunge feeding fin whales on both our afternoon and evening departures.  Even though there was no lunge feeding this morning we did see a number of finbacks as well as a few minke whales and a young humpback was breached once, with zero warning, and was relatively uncooperative the rest of the time (I was not able to get an ID on the humpback).

This is the humpback we saw on our 10am trip

FIN-tastic FIN whales

fin whale tail after a lunge

Fin whale tail after a lunge feed

The seabirds continue to amazing

Northern gannet

sooty shearwater

Of course….SEALS

female grey in front and a rather happy harbour in the back

Female grey seal I adore, look at that red head 

Danielle 🙂

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊