Hello everyone….well, I am much more rested and back from another great day on the water but I will tell you about today’s sightings in another post. I want to tell you all about our special North Atlantic right whale trip we took yesterday!The trip...
Good evening everyone!We had our special trip out to see North Atlantic right whales this morning and it was so amazing! We needed patience with the weather but it was so worth it in the end. We found over 40 right whales…saw 3 SAG’s (surface active...
What a great day we had!On our 10:00 am departure we spent time with a number of fin whales, some off the mouth of Head Harbour, some off Nancy’s Head and some more towards the Wolves.We found many fin whales as we searched in some offshore areas for humpbacks...
Hello everyone, today was another great day of whale watching off Head Harbour Passage.Our 10:00 am trip we spent some time and got some great looks at a very young humpback whale, the 2008 calf of Touchdown (picture below). We haven’t seen this young whale...
Hello everyone :)We had one departure today at 2:00 pm and it was wonderful. The water was very calm and the whales we just fantastic. We spent time with fin whales off and in Head Harbour Passage. At one time we had 5 individuals all at the surface on one side of the...