Well, what a day August 23rd was. It started off with a morning and an afternoon trip offshore by Eastern Wolf spent with humpbacks. In the afternoon we were treated to a close encounter by Quarternote (right) and Repeat traveling side by side.The came the 5:30...

I’d like to introduce….

Here are some whales we have seen in the last few days that I have recently learned the identities…Repeat (seen on Aug. 20th 10:00; Aug. 21st 10:00 & 2:00; Aug. 22nd 10:00 & 2:00; Aug. 23rd 2:00)Godzilla (seen on Aug. 22 10:00; Aug. 23rd 2:00; Aug....

3 new humpbacks!!

Well, despite some winds in various directions we have been able to travel out to the eastern end of the Wolves for the past 2 days and spend some time with humpback whales. Today we had 3 new whale sightings! I will make sure to let you know their identities when I...

Some weather and humpback whales

The past 2 days have come with some weary forecasts but we have managed to get some great trips in. On Saturday, August 19th, on the 10:00 am trip we made our way north-east of Eastern Wolf and found 4 humpback whales in a hole in the fog: Parachute (image on the...

5 humpbacks!!!

Hello, it’s Danielle, senior naturalist and photographer with Quoddy Link Marine. We have had 2 great days with humpbacks. 5 humpbacks both yesterday and today, 3 of which are new individuals. Humpbacks are identified by the black and white pigmentation on the...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊