by Lisa Eldridge | Jan 5, 2024 | Sightings & Updates
I can’t believe it’s already that time of year again, time to say goodbye to our 2023 season. This post is something that I do every year and even after 22 years on the water with Quoddy Link Marine it never ceases to amaze me the differences from season to season. ...
by Lisa Eldridge | Aug 14, 2021 | Sightings & Updates
Good evening everyone, We have been having some wonderful sightings over the past few days, even with the fog. On August 10th we had a very special sighting of a North Atlantic right whale that has been IDed as the 2020 calf of #2642, Echo. Thank You to the right...
by Lisa Eldridge | Dec 16, 2020 | Sightings & Updates
I have been struggling to find the words for my annual end of season post. 2020 has been so very hard for many of us and a large part of me just wants to put this year to bed and move on…but with my health keeping me away this season and then the devastating loss of...
by Lisa Eldridge | Jul 21, 2020 | Sightings & Updates
SIGHTINGS UPDATE Tuesday July 21, 2020 10am: This morning we started with seals on Black Ledge and an adult bald eagle showed up to have some fishy breakfast on the metal navigational marker. We had a minke whale right away and watched it for a few series but it was...
by Lisa Eldridge | Oct 11, 2019 | Sightings & Updates
Hello everyone, the 2019 season is starting to wind down but we will have daily trips (weather and whales permitting) until October 19th and we have a few trips later in October with cruise shippers visiting from the Port of Saint John so there may be some...