Sunday August 16, 2020

Sunday August 16, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Sunday August 16, 2020 10am: This morning we headed out and checked out some harbour and grey seals at high tide. Then we found a minke to watch, along with lots of harbour porpoise. Then we got a call from Captain John on the Odyssey about fin...
Monday August 10, 2020

Monday August 10, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Monday August 10, 2020 10am: This morning we headed out into fog. We quickly picked up a minke whale and got great looks at it actively feeding. We saw many porpoise and seals as well! A great time for such a foggy start! 1:30pm: This afternoon we had...
Sunday August 2, 2020

Sunday August 2, 2020

SIGHTINGS UPDATE Sunday August 2, 2020   10am: A beautiful sunny morning to be out on the water. We started with seals and then picked up 3 different minkes during our travels through the islands. We also some some harbour porpoise before making our way back to St....

Friday July 31, 2020

Not quite sure how we got to the end of July already but here we go…. SIGHTINGS UPDATE Friday July 31, 2020 10am: We had a beautiful sunny morning on the water. Captain John took us out this morning and we spent time with a fin whale and a minke whale. Both...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊