Saturday August 22, 2020
10am: This morning’s trip started with some gray and harbour seals at Black Ledge. We got some looks at a bald eagle off of White Island and a couple of harbour porpoises before heading out to the Wolves. Off Southern Wolf Island we picked up a fin whale with the help of our scout boat and with lots of patience, we were rewarded with some looks.
1:30pm: This afternoon we headed out and spent time with a minke whale. We then got word of a finback whale so we wandered over to take some looks at that whale. We found 3 more minke whales along the way. There were so many birds out as well: razorbills, Arctic terns, Bonaparte gulls, herring gulls, great black backed gulls, and guillemots. Wow!
5pm: This evening we had a chartered group. We spent time with 3 different minke whales, many harbour porpoise, seals, and seabirds!

great blue heron – image by Rika

minke off Head Harbour Light – image by Rika

finback deep in Head Harbour Passage – image by Rika

look who’s hiding in the algae – image by Rika

fin whale – image by Rika

great shearwater and a herring gull – image by Rika
Thank you to Dani and Rika for the updates today and thank you to our passengers for joining us!
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy