Good evening everyone,

We have had a few special sightings in August that I wanted to share.

On August 14 on our 1:30pm departure we had a very special sighting of a lone male orca, Old Thom.  Thom is usually documented in Fundy every season but typically past Grand Manan in the open Bay and off Brier Island, NS.  He has been sighted this season already in the open Bay but crossed over to our side this week.  This is the first time (that I am aware of) that Old Thom has been documented on this side of the Bay of Fundy.  Old Thom was first documented in Fundy in 2005 and seen by our friends at Brier Island Whale and Seabird Cruises in 2008. We saw Old Thom past Grand Manan in 2014 on a very memorable trip.  Here are some images from August 14, and to make it even more special he was in the company of 200+ Atlantic white-sided dolphins

Old Thom and an Atlantic white-sided dolphin

Old Thom and dolphins

Last evening we had a special sighting of a very active young humpback off Campobello Island.  This juvenile was demonstrating all of the surface behaviours whale watchers wish to see; full breaches, chin breaches, tail lobbing and tail breaches and flipper slapping.  What a special sighting!  Why humpbacks breach is still a mystery but there are many hypothesis including knocking external parasites off, surface communication, playful behaviour, etc.  It’s certainly not a “show” for boat but it sure is entertaining to watch!

humpback breaching

humpback breaching

We have had some great finback sightings off the Wolves lately.

2 fins

fin whale with prop scars from a vessel strike from a small pleasure craft in 2019

Thank You to everyone who has joined us on the catamaran and for information and reservations please give our office a call at 506-529-2600.  For daily updates check out our Facebook page.

Senior Naturalist
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊