Wednesday September 1, 2021
10am: This morning we started with seals and headed off towards Bliss where there was a report of finbacks. When we got there we found a single fin whale, the calf we saw the day before but we never saw the mother. We got a few looks but the young whale was making some bog moves so we left the area and headed over towards Head Harbour Passage where we found minkes, so many porpoise and feeding seabirds. We checked out Head Harbour Light then headed back to St. Andrews.
1:30pm: This afternoon we headed out and took a run around towards Blacks and around Whitehorse but didn’t have any luck finding any large whales so we headed in towards Head Harbour Passage where we found minkes. It took a little patience but we got some great looks. We also had feeding porpoise and took some time to see Head Harbour Light and the seals at Black Rock before heading back to the harbour.
5pm: This evening we headed right into Head Harbout Passage on the flood tide and had some amazing sights with groups of feeding seabirds including diving gannets, many minkes and so many porpoise. It was beautiful in the passage. We started to head home and got word of a fin whale sighting so we went to check it out but didn’t have any luck before it was time to head back to St. Andrews, but we tried. It was a lovely evening on the water.
Thank You to everyone who joined us,

minke – image by DDion

harbour porpoise – image by DDion

harbour porpoise – image by DDion

great shearwater – image by DDion

minke on our evening trip – image by DDion

Cheers, Danielle
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊