Good evening all, thanks for checking in today, here is what we saw from the Quoddy today,
Sunday July 11, 2021
10am: This morning came with flat calm waters and great visibility. We headed out and stopped with harbour and grey seals on Black Ledge then we motored up the coast of mainland NB. The visibility was so clear we were able to clearly see the Wolves, an archipelago of islands in the open Bay. We stopped briefly to rescue a hat from the Bay of Fundy and then moved on to look at Head Harbour Lighthouse where Captain Mat picked up a minke whale in amongst a large group of gulls and razorbills and porpoise. The whale blew bubbles under the bait ball, went through, and we got to see the behaviour of the seabirds change with the now lack of food! Porpoise swam so close to the boat we could see them in their entirety and there were SO many razorbills rafts. An adult bald eagle also made an appearance. We stopped with a second minke on our way back to St. Andrews. What a busy and beautiful morning!
1:30pm: This afternoon we headed out into similar conditions as the morning. We stopped with seals on Black Ledge and very quickly picked up a minke whale. We followed along for a bit then went over to see Head Harbour Lighthouse at the northern end of Campobello. We watched some harbour porpoise groups and looked at a young eaglet on a nest on Spruce Island before returning our passengers to Saint Andrews.

seals at low tide – image by Rika

feeding gulls – image by Rika

minke whale swimming through the feeding gulls, they are all after the same food – image by Rika

razorbills – image by Rika

minke – image by Rika

minke – image by Rika

minke – image by Rika

young eaglet – – image by Rika

Thank You to Rika for the update,
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊