Thursday July 8, 2021
10am: This morning started out sunny with low winds. We took a small group of excited passengers out on the water and stopped with harbour and grey seals on Black Ledge. We also saw guillemots in the same area. We quickly located an easy to watch minke whale. We spent a while with that whale then moved in to see Head Harbour Lighthouse. We got to watch many porpoise pods and razorbill groups then we picked up a FINBACK whale! This is the second finback sighting of this season! While we were waiting for the finback to resurface, some of us got a great look at some jumping tuna! We got great looks at the finback before returning our passengers to Saint Andrews.
1:30pm: This afternoon we started with seals and then found a minke whale that surprised us by coming by close a couple times, after great looks at the minke we went to Head Harbour Light and visited Whitehorse to see the nesting seabirds. We saw many groups of porpoise before making our way back to the harbour.
THANK YOU to Rika and Claire for the update today!

harbour seal – image by Rika

beautiful scenery – image by Rika

harbour porpoise – image by Rika

fin whale – image by Rika

fin whale – image by Rika

minke – image by Rika

leaving Head Harbour Light – image by Rika

seals – image by Rika

Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊