Hello everyone, ew have been having some wonderful trips on the Bay of Fundy leaving out of St. Andrews.  Here are some reports from the past few days from Claire and Rika

Sunday June 27, 2021
A windy and choppy afternoon on the Bay but with some patience we got some looks at a minke whale. We also made time to visit with both seals and harbour porpoise before returning to St. Andrews.
THANK YOU to Claire for the report 🐳
Monday June 28, 2021
What a trip! We started with a bald eagle on Pendleton Island. Then we stopped with harbour and grey seals on Black Ledge. There was another bald eagle sitting on the yellow marker at Black Ledge too! It started raining but then Claire spotted our first sighting of an Atlantic puffin for this season. We turned around for it and got great looks at the puffin! Rika quickly found a minke whale in the islands and we stayed with it for a while. It rewarded us with a couple of close passes and everyone got excellent looks. Head Harbour Lighthouse also had a bald eagle sitting on the roof of the main house. We spent some time with the gulls, guillemots, and cormorants on White Horse Island and everyone loved watching the grey seals swim around the ledges of the island (it was high tide). The fog rolled in and out periodically throughout the trip, treating the passengers to first hand accounts of how quickly the weather and conditions can change on the Bay of Fundy. What a great day!
THANK YOU to Rika for the report 🧡🐳🧡

Head Harbour Light – Image by Rika

harbour seals at low tide – Image by Rika

common eider, male – Image by Rika

tiny harbour porpoise – Image by Rika

Atlantic puffic – Image by Rika

minke whale – Image by Rika

minke whale – Image by Rika

gulls in the rolling fog – Image by Rika

grey seal in the rain – Image by Rika

Thanks for checking in and check back soon for more updates
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick
Bay of Fundy

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊