Friday September 4, 2020
10am: This morning the fog was thick offshore but clear in the Islands. We started out with grey and harbour seals on Black Ledge then headed up through the islands. We found a couple minke whales and followed along with the most cooperative of the two. We got great looks at the minke, harbour porpoise, and many diving Northern gannets! We saw sooty shearwaters, Head Harbour Lighthouse, and many juvenile gulls as well.
1:30pm: This afternoon we headed out to find a minke whale in Head Harbour. We got excellent looks at the whale, the lighthouse, and harbour porpoise. We saw razorbills, diving Northern gannets, and several gull species. We stopped with seals on the way back through Passamaquoddy Bay and circumnavigated Navy Island before returning our passengers to St Andrews.
5pm: This evening the fog started rolling in but held off long enough for us to get great looks at three different minke whales. We also got to see diving gannets, four bald eagles (two flying by and two sitting on a radar reflector), and harbour and grey seals!

The Quoddy Link heading to the mooring at the end of the day – image by Rika

harbour porpoise photo-bombing a picture of a razorbill – image by Rika

minke – image by Rika

bald eagle – image by Rika
Thanks to Rika for the updates today!
Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick