Wednesday July 15, 2020

10am: This morning was cold and cloudy but off we went. We started out with seals on Black Ledge. Then we picked up a fast moving minke whale and caught a few glimpses. It was difficult to watch so we continued on. We found a finback whale near Campobello Island and stayed with it while it dove and came back up. While waiting for the whale to surface, we got to see harbour porpoise, razorbills, and guillemots. The sun was shining when we returned to St. Andrews harbour!

1:30pm: This afternoon we headed straight back out in wonderful weather. We stopped with seals at Black Ledge and headed off to Campobello Island where we quickly picked up our fin whale friend from this morning. We had great looks, enjoyed the sunshine, saw bald eagles, herring weirs, and talked about the lighthouses on our route. We finished the trip with a visit to White Horse Island to see the chicks practicing getting their flight muscles stronger. So cute! We saw eider ducks, greater black backed gulls, kittiwakes, herring gulls, guillemots, and cormorants. Wow!

finback whale

fin whale at the surface

fin whale in the Islands

herring seiner

young herring gull chicks on White Horse Island

black-legged kittiwakes on White Horse

eiders and their chicks

Thank You to all of our passengers who joined us today and THANK YOU to Rika for the updates and images,

Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊