Monday July 13, 2020

1:30pm: This afternoon, our only trip today, we started with seals and had great looks at them, there have been so many on the rocks these past few days. We then quickly picked up a minke. We stopped by White Horse Island to look at the bird colonies and then got to see our very first FINBACK whale of the season! Had great looks as this big guy fed just off White Island. We left the fin whale to look at Head Harbour Light, another minke and some porpoise all off the northern end of Campobello Island. We were able to pick up the fin whale for one more look before heading home. A great way to start the week!

Thank you too all of our passengers who joined us today and THANK YOU to Claire for the updates (and Captain Mat for the text updates)

Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊