Friday July 3, 2020

10am: This morning we were excited to have clear visibility. Captain Mat found a minke whale feeding in circles in Head Harbour Passage. We stayed with it for a bit and then headed off. We found an adult bald eagle on Pope’s Island and took a look at the eaglet in the nest nearby. Then, as it was high tide, we went around Head Harbour Lighthouse. We spent time with feeding harbour porpoise, gulls, and spotted our first eider ducks of the season.

1:30pm: We went back over to Head Harbour this afternoon and Captain Mat quickly picked up a minke whale. Unfortunately it was difficult to watch so we wandered over to look at harbour porpoises, a bald eagle and eaglet on Pope’s Island and seals on the ledges off Casco Bay Island. We checked out Head Harbour Lighthouse too. After some more meandering through the islands, our patience paid off with some really great looks with a minke swimming alongside us. Another amazing day.

A HUGE thank you to Rika for the updates and images today!

Quoddy Link Marine
Whale Watching
St. Andrews
New Brunswick

When the tide is high enough we can cross the bar and go right around Head Harbour Light on the northern end of Campobello Island, NB. At low tide you can walk up and down stairs and cross a small bar to access the light.

Checking out an eagle on a marker

minke whale

young eaglet in the nest on Popes Island

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊