Good evening everyone, here is another update from the Quoddy Link thanks to Jolinne, sounds like they had an amazing day!

August 11, 2017
The morning departure was quite foggy and we took Western Passage to get into the Islands. It was actually quite clear in the Islands and we were able to send some time with a well-known minke whale, Breadknife. This whale was feeding in the area and never moved very far. After some great looks we made our way towards more the open Bay to see if the fog had cleared… it hadn’t and was still super thick and wet! We turned around and we were able to get some quick looks at a second minke whale. We also spent time playing in the Old Sow. It was nice to show the passengers the Old Sow at the beginning of the trip when it wasn’t running very hard and then again at the end when the power of the tides had really kicked in!

the Old Sow

Boneparte gulls

harbour seals

minke whale

minke whale, Breadknife

The afternoon departure we ended up covering a lot of ground! As it was still foggy we once again took Western passage and found a minke whale who ended up in the Old Sow. Once the boat traffic got to much around this whale, we left to see what else we could find. We went along Campobello Island, towards Bliss Island, Blacks Harbour and then got a call that there were a few whales out by Eastern Wolf, so out we went. We were able to watch a fin whale and we were also lucky enough to get a great look to a North Atlantic right whale! This once again was a younger individual.

North Atlantic right whale

North Atlantic right whale

North Atlantic right whale

North Atlantic right whale

large finback whale

finback whale

The evening departure we made our way our to Eastern Wolf, hoping that things hadn’t changed much from the afternoon. We always know that whales will move around quite a bit. We started off with a minke whale and had a large, slow-moving fin whale surface near us and it wasn’t arching or diving for very long. Problem was I quickly got distracted as we also had a humpback whale surface even closer. This is the 3rd individual we’ve seen, however this one will hopefully stay! Welcome back Spoon’s 2015 calf! This young humpback was seen most of last summer and was spotted earlier this season off the coast of Massachusetts. We are quite excited to see that he has returned!



humpback, 2015 calf of Spoon



Thanks again to everyone that joined us today on these departures!

And thank you for checking in with us here on our website!



Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊