I have a quick bird update from Todd and some images from Jolinne.

“Yesterday afternoon, we went through Western Passage and there were hundreds of Bonaparte’s Gulls in or near the Old Sow. Black heads were numerous as is usually the case during the month of July. There were good numbers of larger gulls in Head Harbour Passage. It would have been nice to sort through these birds looking for something uncommon or rare.

During the morning, we motored around the Wolves (a groups of islands) and observed decent sized rafts of Greater Shearwater with a few Sooty. Also present were many Wilson’s Storm Petrel. Rafts containing over 100 Red-necked Phalaropes were also observed. These birds were mostly on the outside of the islands which is typical. ”

Red-necked phalaropes

Razorbill father with chick

Black-legged kittiwakes. Their mouths are open to help control boy temperature.

Black guillemots on Whitehorse

Thanks for checking in,


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