Hello everyone, Danielle with Quoddy Link Marine here with some more updates shared by Jolinne!

Lets start with July 11th and July 12th

“The past two days have been very different out on the water.
July 11th, I wasn’t on the water but I was told that both the Catamaran and Odyssey were out searching for whales and were unable to sight any for both departures.

Today July 12th, the morning departure we spent time with seals, were able to find a minke whale, which we ended up leaving to go to White Horse Island to see the nesting black-legged kittiwakes. We then returned to the minke whale, played in the Old Sow and found a bald eagle all before returning to Saint Andrews.

The afternoon departure we quickly stopped with seals, before continuing off Bliss Island to find two feeding fin whales. We stopped at White Horse Island and noticed the first few chick of the season! On our way home we found a bald eagle and stopped with seals.

There has been so many different sea birds species sighted in the past few days; common murres, puffins, bonaparte gulls, laughing gulls, gannets, greater shearwater, phalaropes, a storm petrel. Along with the first few black-legged kittiwakes chicks on White Horse Island and at least 500 razorbills!!!”

And July 13th

“The morning departure was a little wet, however fogless. Both the Catamaran and the Odyssey went out in opposing directions searching for whales. We were unable to find any, however we did spend time with seals, harbour porpoises and found a feeding bald eagle on the shores of Campobello Island.

The afternoon departure we started off with seals and made our way to Bliss Island to see if there were any whales in the area. None was sighted, so we continued to Southern Wolf. The Odyssey found a fin whale for us. While we waited awhile for it to surface again, we did have 2 minke whales surface near us. Then we got a call from Fundy Tide Runners that the fin whale had made its way to Eastern Wolf, so off we went. With patience and time we were able to get some looks to that fin whale before retuning to Saint Andrews.”

Fin whale

The Old Sow off Deer Island Point


Finback whale

check out the fish in the gulls mouth!


harbour porpoise

harbour seal pup

large flock of razorbills


Atlantic puffin

Nesting black-legged kittiwakes…look at the little chick!

Thanks to everyone who has joined us the past few days!



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