Here is our sightings report for July 24, 2016

10am: This morning we started off Adams with Slice, a minke whale. We got some great looks then headed off to Whitehorse to see some birds and Head Harbour Passage to look for porpoise and maybe a minke…we found 2 minkes! Then after the boat traffic cleared we made our way off Bliss to get a look at a finback, and while we were watching the fin we could see another fin whale blowing a few miles away and within 20 minutes that other whale had joined up with the first! We got some incredible looks.


Slice, a minke whale


Fin whale with Head Harbour Light in the background


Second finback that showed up this morning.

1:30pm: This afternoon we had some of the best finback sightings of the season so far! Both fin whales were still in the area feeding heavily and they were not going far. They surfaced off our bow repeatedly and the water was so calm and with the sun shining we could see the whales right under the water before they surfaced. Amazing sightings!!


Fin whale


photographing a fin whale from the lower deck of the Quoddy Link. I did get the passenger in the photo on purpose


Blow of a finback


harbour porpoise

Thank you to everyone who joined us on the Quoddy Link today!



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