Here is the sightings update for today
10am: What a beautiful morning with some of the BEST porpoise sightings of the season. We started in Head Harbour Passage is flat calm waters and the sun was shining and the porpoise and birds were feeding on a bait ball! Amazing looks at these small cetaceans. We knew there was a fin whale close but we wanted to avoid the boat traffic so we spent time with a minke, Slice first then made our way to Bliss to see the finback.
1:30pm: With the very start of the ebb we thought we would try and find the finback first. The wind had increased and the tide had turned so we had some sea to deal with but we everyone did wonderfully and we got some great looks at the large fin whale before heading over to Head Harbour where we found Slice the minke whale again.
We do have an evening departure, it’s just not back yet and I have not heard from the boat!
Thank you for checking in!!