Hello everyone, hope you all had a safe and happy long weekend.  It was very busy here in St. Andrews with full trips filled with happy passengers.

We spent time on all trips the past 2 days with minke whales and we even had a very curious minke whale on the evening departure on August 3rd…I didn’t get any photos, I was too busy enjoying everything with my eyes and sharing the experience with our guests.





On our morning departure on August 3rd Captain John decided to take a run out towards Bliss to have a look around and we found a finback whale!  The seas were a bit choppy but everyone was so excited and the stability of the catamaran kept everyone comfortable.

Finback whale

Finback whale

Finback whale

Finback whale

On our afternoon departure of August 3rd we had some beautiful harbour porpoise sightings off Head Harbour Light.  There were approximately 50 individuals and they were feeding in the tidal current and would come so close to the boat to check us out and with the sun and clear water we could all see them so clearly through the water.  Was the highlight of that trip.

Harbour porpoise

Thanks to everyone for joining us this holiday weekend!  Keep checking back for more updates,



Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊