It is a great time of year to experience the bird life of the Bay of Fundy! Nesting and the raising of young is in full swing for most of our resident species which means plenty of interesting sights and some great opportunities for photography. Whitehorse Island is a star attraction this time of year and we make sure to visit this special area on each trip, when weather permits. The HERRING and BLACK-BACKED GULL chicks are getting big fast and the BLACK-LEGGED KITTIWAKES have hatched their first chicks. It is difficult to see in many of the nests but I have counted at least 5 nests that have chicks, some with two in each one. Many kittiwakes appear to still be incubating eggs and some continue to bringĀ nesting material to the island. We have seen at times up to four COMMON RAVENS and a few BALD EAGLES at the island attempting to rob nests and grab chicks. On one occasion we saw a young eagle take a herring gull chick. Up until a couple days ago the DOUBLE CRESTED CORMORANT colony on the island appeared to be doing quite well, but during our visit to the island today I noticed that not a single bird was present at the main nesting area. More and more BONAPARTE’S GULLS have been showing up around the island, some with adult plummage. Small numbers of RAZORBILLS and BLACK GUILLEMOTS are seen on each visit to the island.

We also got a chance to visit Southwolf Island and I was surprised to see no evidence of nesting kittiwakes. This would be the first year in my six years on the Bay that I have not seen a good number of kittiwake nests on the island.

We have been visiting a bald eagle nest on Spruce Island with 2 chicks that are going to be ready to fly very soon. The nest is very visible and a treat to visit on each trip. The two chicks look very healthy and we often see the adults are never to far, providing some great looks.

COMMON EIDERS are plentiful and I have seen a good number of broods this year.

Sightings of interest;

June 25th – An adult LAUGHING GULL was sighted off the Wolves Islands.

July 8th – An ATLANTIC PUFFIN was seen in the Western Passage area.

Photos from our recent trips:


Atlantic Puffin sighted in Western Passage

Bald eagle chicks on Spruce Island

Bald eagle chicks on Spruce Island

Herring gull with chick on Whitehorse Island

Herring gull with chick on Whitehorse Island

Great black-backed gull chicks on Whitehorse Island

Great black-backed gull chicks on Whitehorse Island

Nesting herring gull and chick on Whitehorse Island

Nesting herring gull and chick on Whitehorse Island

Nesting herring gulls on Whitehorse Island

Nesting herring gulls on Whitehorse Island

Black-legged kittiwake on Whitehorse Island

Black-legged kittiwake on Whitehorse Island

Bonaparte's gull on Whitehorse Island

Bonaparte’s gull on Whitehorse Island

Nesting black-legged kittiwakes on Whitehorse Island

Nesting black-legged kittiwakes on Whitehorse Island

Common raven flying over Whitehorse Island

Common raven flying over Whitehorse Island

Common ravens flying over Whitehorse Island

Common ravens flying over Whitehorse Island

Black-legged kittiwake with chick on Whitehorse Island

Black-legged kittiwake with chick on Whitehorse Island

Double-crested cormorants on Whitehorse Island

Double-crested cormorants on Whitehorse Island

Nesting black-legged kittiwakes on Whitehorse Island

Nesting black-legged kittiwakes on Whitehorse Island

Herring gull with chicks on Whitehorse Island

Herring gull with chicks on Whitehorse Island

Nesting black-legged kittiwakes on Whitehorse Island

Nesting black-legged kittiwakes on Whitehorse Island







Bald eagle on Whitehorse Island

Bald eagle on Whitehorse Island

Common eider duck brood

Common eider duck brood

Common eider duck brood

Common eider duck brood

Common eider duck brood

Common eider duck brood

Double-crested cormorant in flight

Double-crested cormorant in flight

Double-crested cormorants nesting on Whitehorse Island

Double-crested cormorants nesting on Whitehorse Island

Double-crested cormorants nesting on Whitehorse Island

Double-crested cormorants nesting on Whitehorse Island

Atlantic Puffin

Atlantic Puffin


Bald eagle chicks on Spruce Island

Bald eagle chicks on Spruce Island


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