Good evening everyone,

We had 2 great trips today, this morning we spent most of our time off Blacks on the flood tide with 6 feeding fin whales.  We were in the area for about an hour and a half and we stayed closest to a pair that were feeding together.  They would come up so high after being under and their eye would almost be out of the water!  Amazing sightings.

This whale is lunge feeding on it’s side

That is seaweed (Fucus sp.) hanging out of the whales mouth

That is the upper railing on the Quoddy Link in the bottom left

This afternoon started off a little slow but we got some great looks at 3 minkes and a familiar finback.  Then on our way home we stopped for a minke whale a pair of fins surfaced right beside the boat, they must have gone right underneath us much to the delight of everyone on board.

Thank You to everyone who joined us today aboard the Quoddy Link.


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊