Good evening everyone, we had another 2 great trips out on the Bay today….a few sprinkles of rain in the morning but nothing to stop the group of hearty passengers.

We spent time with minke whales in Head Harbour Passage on both departures today.  We also made sure we took a little swing out to the east to check out a few other feeding grounds to make sure we were not missing anything else

Minke whale looks skinny!  That is the scapula you can see

Minke whale above

We visited Whitehorse Island on both departures as well today, to see the nesting seabirds including this black-legged kittiwake with his or her chick…I know the picture isn’t the greatest but I wanted to share anyways….so sweet!

Of course we made time for seals….always a favorite.


Profile of a female grey seal

Female grey below and young harbour seal above 

Thanks so much for stopping by,


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊