Hello everyone, we have had a great first week for out 2013 season!  We have sighted whales on every trip as well as seals, porpoise, eagles and lots of seabirds.  I have some photos from the past week that I want to share, I hope you enjoy.

Minke whales have been seen on every trip so far this season

We saw our first fin whale of the 2013 season on June 24th, and we saw a pair of finback on June 26th.

Bald eagles are certainly around and there are a few nests in the area that are visible from the water including one on White Island with 2 eaglets.

There are lots of seabirds to see, so don’t forget to bring your binoculars!

Seals are always a highlight on the trip, no matter what we always make time to stop and spend some time with seals.

Thanks for checking in and I promise to post more often now that I am back on a schedule here 🙂


All photos on this post were taken by RJ Sauk

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊