A photographic look at our 2012 season

Hello everyone, well out 2012 season has come to a close and I thought I would take a look back at the past 4 months using photos that I have taken throughout the season.  2012 was a unique season, as every year really is, but this year we had very few humpbacks...

FINtastic afternoon on the water

Hello all!  We had such a FIN-tastic day on the water this afternoon!  We spent time with 3 large finbacks off Blacks Harbour, and it was CALM (cool but not freezing) for the first day in a few weeks.  We also saw bald eagles, harbour porpoise and...

Another chilly day on the bay!

Good evening everyone.  We had another great, but very chilly day on the Bay of Fundy (if you are still planning on coming out with us this season PLEASE dress warmly, a toque and mittens are a great idea). This morning we found 3 minke whales, including Slice in...

Still whales to be seen!

Hello everyone, we have been confined to shore a lot in the past week due to the typical high fall winds but we did manage to get out on Saturday morning and all day today. One Saturday we found a large finback off Blacks Harbour and we stopped with seals on Splitting...

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊