Hello everyone, well, patience was the name of the game today, not just with the whales but with the crazy Bay of Fundy fog.

This morning we started by listening for fin whales…and one popped up right beside us!  But the fog was just too thick to relocate him.  So we went into the Islands and saw some seals and as we were looking at some beautiful scenery the fog lifted and back out we went and found a fin whale…and slow and “sleepy” finback but we got some great looks.


Grey seal on the left and a harbour on the right 

On our afternoon trip the fog shut back in something fierce.  So we headed up Head Harbour Passage and found some visibility past Casco as well as 2 minke whales.

Yes, that is FOG

Fog rolling in over Northwest Harbour, Deer Island, NB

As we were watching the minkes we noticed the fog pushed right back and we could see miles offshore so John took us over towards Blacks Harbour where we found 5-6 large feeding fin whales.  We got some AMAZING looks as they whales continued to surface and feed very close to the boat.

Thanks so much to everyone who joined us today,

Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊