Hello everyone, today reminded again why I am so proud to work for Quoddy Link to have 2 great captains like we do.

On our 10 am trip we took a big run offshore but with no luck out there we made our way to the protected inshore waters and found a large fin whale, the same one we have been watching, just off Head Harbour Light.  The word got out quick and soon there were 12 boats (only 3 whale watching boats) in the area.  We wanted nothing to do with putting that kind of boat pressure around a whale so we hung back, spotted a minke whale off the Light (didn’t get any good looks though) and as we waited all of the boat traffic cleared and we relocated the large finback.  The whale was traveling and doing some large dive but we managed to get some great looks.  The trip was longer than our usual trips this time of year at around 3.5 hours but our passengers really understood why.

Finback whale

On our afternoon trip we again ran offshore, as the fin whale had disappeared (as they can very easily do) but we had no luck.  We managed to finally pick up a minke whale off Head Harbour Light and our captain kept us out longer just to make sure we all got some great looks.  We spent extra time with the whale cause he was being such a pleasure to watch.  Our afternoon trip was 3.75 hours but it was well worth it.

I think they all look pretty relaxed

Look at her!  I adore female grey seals

Thanks for checking in everyone,


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊