Hello all, well, this is always such a hard time for me, our 2011 season has come to a close but at least the final whale watches were incredible!

Today we spent time with 6 humpbacks past the Wolves, there were others in the area we could see at a distance so there were probably 10 or so in total but I was able to ID 6 individuals.  Here is who we saw today

2009 calf of Siphon, a young female

2008 calf of Tether

2008 calf of Peedee


Wheat, the 2007 calf of Sickle

and an Unknown we also saw on October 7, 8 & 10

We also had a large finback with the humpbacks and we passed a large fin whale off Bliss on our way out.

THANK YOU to everyone who joined us on our final whale watch of the 2011 season as well as everyone who joined us through out the summer and fall!

We have a charter on Tuesday so hopefully the weather will co-operate and I can bring you some more sightings!


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊