Hello everyone….well, today the incredible whale sightings continued as we headed offshore again with lots of humpbacks and fin whales to be seen.  The amount of feed in the area must be astounding!  Today there were at least 10 humpbacks out there and at least 4 large fin whales but we could see many more blows further south and further east!

The humpbacks we IDed today were Fray, Sodapop, the 2008 calves of Tether and Clamp and we also saw Wheat. the 2007 calf of Sickle, today for the first time this season!

Here are a bunch of pictures from today

Sodapop, the white line towards the head is from an entanglement

Sodapop and the Quoddy Link


2008 calf of Clamp 

2008 calf of Clamp

2008 calf of Tether, note the rake marks on both sides of this whale, most likely from an Orca attack

2008 calf of Tether




Here are some fin whales we saw today

I also wanted to share some pictures of seals that I took today at Splitting Knife

check out the size of that male grey seal in the centre!

you can see the seal in the back has his hind flippers spread, phocids use their hind flippers to propel themselves forward.

Thanks for checking in today, we are hoping for more great weather and whales tomorrow!



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