Hello everyone, what a great day we had yesterday.  With a good turn in the weather…it was clear and calm and word from a few scallop draggers there were humpbacks off the Wolves we made our way right offshore to search.  It didn’t take long once we arrived on the Bank to find them and to our surprise they were not the same 2 we had on Friday…..it was FOGGY AND PEAJACK, 2 humpbacks who are seen every summer off Brier Island, NS. 

Meet Foggy, a female humpback born in 1987 to Bermuda.  She has visited the Bay of Fundy every summer since and has also brought 4 calves of her own.

Meet Peajack, an adult female first seen in 1995.

Here are a bunch more photos from yesterday

And a video as well that I wanted to share

Thanks so much for checking in, we have some not so perfect weather in the forecast for today so we will have to see what Mother Nature brings.


Our 30th Anniversary! 🎊